Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Development of a Child

 Development of a Child
By Jake Kohl

     Children all develop in a similar way based on growth of the human body and cognitive maturity. The universal developmental process is experienced by all children, but the individual differences influence the outcome of development (Papalia, Diane, & Feldman, 2010). The similar ways are the blueprint of the human nature of a further uniqueness of a different nurturing process based on influences which transform our development into unique individuals.  According to Psalm 139:14-16, we can see that each one of us was created in our mother’s womb by the hand of God. We were seen by God in an unformed body and our lives were uniquely planed out; God wonderfully created us to be that unique individual that He designed each of us to be. It’s amazing to see how the development of a single cell can transform into a human child, a baby. It’s equally amazing to see how each child develops and matures, and yet has that distinct personality that separates them from another created child. 

     Matthew 10:29-31 further explains how unique we are and how special we are to God, that He would even number the very hairs on our head. We were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), this is another similar trait we all share, but to think beyond that development to the development of who we are is an awesome truth of how God knows each one of us on a personal level.


Papalia, D, Diane, P, & Feldman, R. (2010). A child's world: infancy through adolescence. McGraw-Hill Humanities Social Sciences Languages.

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