Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Environmental Actions of a Christian

Environmental Actions of a Christian
By Jake Kohl


     Our environment is on the decline. With farmland being taken over by industrial giants and pollution spilling into the streams and into the ground, our world is turning into a dumping ground. God tells us that we have dominion over the earth and all that is in it, but we have to first respect that which is given to us and then make a claim to it. As Christians, we are held at even a higher standard by God with what we do with what has been given to us. We make take responsibility without blaming anyone else and without using scare tactics, such as global warming.


   The environment is on decline because of the lack of respect from moral law. We are creating a world around the advancement of technology and are eating up the land with pollution and industrial growth.  As Christians, we must make a stand for God and the gift He has given to us to have authority over. While environmental chaos is ruining our world, global warming in not a factor in the decay. We must all be accountable for how we treat our world, and with the respect toward God, this can change.

    Christians should respect and do all they can do to protect the environment because this is what we are supposed to do according to God. The Bible clearly states that what God created, He called “good”. (Genesis 1:11-12 KJV) So many times Christians are caught up in their own agenda that the moral law of keeping our environment good is left on the back burner. The Bible states, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:26 KJV) Having dominion is having the authority over things such as the environment. We as Christians must not turn our head in the attempt to hide ourselves from what desperately needs our attention.
    We have far too long hid ourselves from the very things God has given to us to oversee. We have allowed our environment to be overrun with toxic pollution and have allowed industrial giants to sweep away the land that was given for vegetation, plant and animal life. Christians must take a stand and speak out. We are a number of people that has the backing of the creator. We must not flinch when confronted with issues that are against the word of God.
     Driving through the country on my way to see my family in Ohio, you can’t help but notice the beauty of the land. Driving past old farmhouses and seeing the fields freshly tilled, you can’t help but reminisce on the good times I spent at my grandparents while growing up. We would help plant the garden and take care of the animals just as the sun was coming up. The smell of dirt and cattle was a smell that would pleasantly grow on you after awhile. At the end of the day

we would head in and have a dinner fit for a king, with all the trimmings and all from what was harvested on my grandparents land.
    As I continue to drive, I can’t help but to look out and see the hills touching the sky and all the greenery that is with it. It shows me how much beauty God had with His creation. With the beautiful scenic route, it was an awe experience like no other. God had a perfect plan in creation, and it was a plan that He called “good”. (Genesis 1:11-12 KJV) As Christians, we are called to be obedient and to walk in the way of the Lord, and His way is good.
        Driving back to the city, I see less and less of farmland and beauty and more of factories, plants and vehicles. The air is much less cleaner than in the country as well. I wonder why we have become a nation that has been built on industrialization which involves chemicals, gases and other harmful man made elements. Industrial Revolution as I see it can be termed as Industrial Improvement or one could even say Industrial Advancement. The Industrial Revolution was a “major turning point in human history; almost every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced in some way.” (Wikipedia; Industrial Revolution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution

    As Christians we must take a stand and speak out for that which God has given to us to take care of. We must voice our concerns and speak out against the pollution, dumping and the big corporations who insist on tearing our environment up in order to make way for greater advancement in technology. While there is a problem with how we are treating our environment, I also find that the Global Warming theory originally made by the 45th Vice-President of the United States Al Gore is inaccurate. According to the americanpolicy.org, “Scientific research through U.S. Government satellite and balloon measurements shows that the temperature is actually cooling - very slightly - .037 degrees Celsius” (There is No Global Warming; http://www.americanpolicy.org/un/thereisnoglobal.htm) This refutes the claim made by Bob Herbert that, “A number of factors are already contributing to the destruction of coral reefs, and global warming is one of them.” (Bob Herbert, No Margin for Error; MULLER/WIENER, To     The Point, 2009 p 313; par 8) Also, “Michael Crichton, the scientist, writer and filmmaker; In his latest book, "State of Fear" he takes time to explain, often in surprising detail, the flawed science behind Global Warming and other imagined environmental crises.” (Global Warming: The Cold Hard Facts? BALL, http://www.canadafreepress.com/2007/global-warming020507.htm) With the information we get from the far rights to the far lefts, will always remain a topic of debate.  (New Law: Clean The Snow & Ice Off Your Car Or Get A Fine, http://www.thelakewoodscoop.com/news/2009/10/new-law-clean-the-snow-ice-off-your-car-or-get-a-fine.html)

    Regardless of the claim, we as Christians must do our part in taking care of what has been given to us to oversee. Our environment is in shambles, our farming is on the decline and more pollutants are spilling into our world each day. We have abused the land and have disrespected God’s gift to us. Dr. Ray Bohlin said, “Christians we must treat nature as having value in itself, and we must be careful to exercise dominion without being destructive.” (BOHLIN, Surf-In-The-Spirit, http://www.surfinthespirit.com/environment/christian-environmentalism.html) With this statement, we must not turn away but look at it face on. If we as Christians continue to turn a blind eye to the destruction of our environment; we will have to answer for our actions with god, or lack thereof.
    Bob Herbert also states that, “There is not even agreement among scientist on the amount of warming necessary to begin the destruction.” (MULLER/WIENER, p 314, par 11) We cannot go on a blind leap of what ifs. We need facts and proof of the claim of global warming. If scientists cannot agree on the amount of warming necessary, how can they make an accurate agreement on the truth of global warming?

    In conclusion; while our environment is in decline, I find it hard to swallow the so-called facts that it is due to global warming. I find that our environment is in decay from the lack of respect from all people, from every walk of life and every way of life, including Christians. The bible talks about the advancement in knowledge in the last days. My question is… could this advanced knowledge have begun with the Industrial Revolution?  I think it is something that should be taken to count, especially among Christians. We will have our day of judgment, and when we do, will we be prepared to give an account for what God has given us?
Works Cited
·         Wikipedia; Industrial Revolution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution

·         OnAsia Launches Environmental Exhibition, GOLDSTEIN, http://www.photographyblog.com/news/onasia_launches_environmental_exhibition/

·         There is No Global Warming; http://www.americanpolicy.org/un/thereisnoglobal.htm
·         Bob Herbert, No Margin for Error; MULLER/WIENER, To     The Point, 2009 p 313; par 8 / p 314, par 11

·         Global Warming: The Cold Hard Facts? BALL, http://www.canadafreepress.com/2007/global-warming020507.htm

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