Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Is God active today?

Is God active today?
 By Jake Kohl

     The active presence of God in our world today is easily seen by observing the natural state, i.e., mountains, trees, landscape, oceans, sunsets, sunrises, etc.,  within our world, as well as our universe, such as the stars, sun, milky way, etc.  The fact that our world, planet earth, was created and designed with pinpoint accuracy is itself is a miracle. A miracle in biblical definition is something that occurs outside of the natural state and “… is intended to bring the glory and love of God into bold relief.”[1]

   For example – Christ’s resurrection is a true biblical miracle. The evidence that surrounds this miracle is first and foremost – eyewitness accounts by thousands. If it were a lie – why would his disciples give their own lives for this lie? The rationale for distinguishing between natural and supernatural is what occurs in everyday life verses something that naturally does not happened, such as being raised from the dead, which happens even in modern times.[2]
     Personal testimonies are an excellent way to connect emotionally to another because as human beings – we can relate to one another through life experiences. This in itself can be used as an apologetic tool in bringing someone to Christ. Universal observations are another means for apologetic discussions. Seeing that the light from some stars which we can see in the night’s sky could have just reached us but burned out over 100 years earlier. The earths speed is another example of being perfectly designed whereas if the” speed of the earth around the sun was any slower or faster than what it is, we would all eventually die from either freezing to death at night or burning to death during the day…”[3]

     Claiming that there are no miracles today would be a rather foolish argument. As mentioned above… the earth is still spinning at the same speed, people are being healed by incurable diseases, the dead are still being raised and people are still being saved which is a transformation of a life in a miraculous way.


J.D. Spiceland." In Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Walter A. Elwell, 779.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2001.

Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. 1985. The Earth: Unique in All the Universe. Acts & Facts. 14 (6).

Man comes back to life in body bag, CNN, 2014, accessed 08/23/2014

[1] Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, J.D Spiceland, p. 779
[3] Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. 1985. The Earth: Unique in All the Universe. Acts & Facts. 14 (6).

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