Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Nature Vs Nurture

Nature Vs Nurture
By Jake Kohl

     In the argumentative study of nature verses nurture; you have many different beliefs of the development of human behavior. The nature argument is stating that behavior is based on hereditary genes, DNA, genetic codes, etc. This thought suggests that human development is perhaps influenced by the makeup of genetics coded from our history; whereas the nurture belief states that the developmental part of human is based on the attention and social interactions from mothers, fathers and other social influences.

    The debate of the nature vs. nurture has been ongoing for centuries.  Throughout the history of the debate, there has been no clear conclusion to the dispute; yet, there are many hypotheses.”  ("‘nature vs. nurture’," )  “… English scientist Francis Galton (1822 –1911), a cousin of Charles Darwin, initiated this whole debate between hereditarians and environmentalists more than a century ago.” ("‘nature vs. nurture’," )  

    Personally, I find that nurture is more practical in human development. I believe that nurture influences much of human development as far as manners, aggression, attitude and many others for example. A child learns what they are taught. The Bible states in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (NKJV) I believe that the Bible is the ultimate reference and blueprint of our development. In this particular scripture, it tells us to train a child in the way they should go. You can train a child to be a killer and if that is what he is taught then that is the behavior that he will find as a truth in his behavioral growth. I also believe that later in life; social interactions followed by thoughts of reason will come into play. However, the thought on reason, I could argue that the thought would be one that is influenced by guilt and conscious, which could very well be a direct influence by the Holy Spirit and hence the genetics of the nature argument.

    The nurturing process can shape the lives of any child and in turn that child will grow up with the things he or she was taught. One could train a child to be excellent with communication by working with the child on different communication techniques that will help improve the learned behavior. I believe that the environment and social interactions also influence the growth development. Depending on whom you allow your child to be around and the things he or she sees and hears, such as media in general could affect the behavior of development. There are key elements that can trigger a positive and/or a negative outcome, but,  I believe that by nurture…  even as an infant will have profound impacts on the stages of development.

    Nature would explain the code we all have universally, which is the desire to want and need, and I believe that this genetic code is only put in place by our creator. It gives us the questions we all undoubtedly have or will have, which is; what makes us human?  Where did I come from?  Why am I here?  Where am I going? Nature is also how and why we have the color of hair, the color of eyes, facial features, and height to name a few. It is together with our genetic traits where this argument comes into play.
    Many have a fear of touching on this issue because of their beliefs in God. I have heard many say that Christians should steer clear of science. I say, let us all as Christians, openly except science, since science is actually created by God. A good reference states that, “Rather than fearing science, we can welcome its enlarging our understanding and awakening our sense of awe.” (Myers, & Reviews, 2009) Looking at this statement gives hope that science and Christianity can coincide together, and it should.

    In conclusion, I have to conclude my beliefs as one that must agree with both; the nature and the nurture. I find that both are true and contribute to each other. I believe that we are influenced by genetics as well as social interactions. I also believe that a person can change their destiny and their DNA. Once a person accepts Christ as both their Lord and Savior, they have a blood transfusion and their DNA is changed. We essentially fall under a blood covenant with the creator. One may call it what they will, but there is evidence that life has changed and that human development can be altered for both the good and for the bad. It can be changed divinely or by choice (free will).


Holy Bible, Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) 

Myers, David, & Reviews, Cram101. (2009). Outlines and highlights for psychology by david g myers, isbn. Worth Pub. P 169

‘nature vs. nurture’ debate, it all began with galton. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.macalester.edu/psychology/whathap/ubnrp/intelligence05/Rheredity.html

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