Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Contemporary Christianity Growth in India

 The Contemporary Christianity Growth in India
By Jake Kohl
     India, a country in South Asia and a country with a vast population is home to many different types of religions. “Hinduism, India’s major religion, is a way of life for more than 80 percent of India’s 1 billion people.”[1] Hinduism is a religion that started in Central Asia and moving into Northern India about 3000 years ago by nomadic cattle-herding tribes called Aryans, or the noble ones.[2]  These tribes brought with them, teaching and traditions from early Indian villagers known as Vedas in which were written down and memorized generation after generation and became the foundation of Hinduism.[3]
     Over and during the centuries ahead, many other religions came into play in India, notably Buddhism – which eventually spread throughout the world alongside Hinduism. Buddhism is also known as a sect of Hinduism which split because of its own religious system which was founded before the birth of Jesus Christ.[4] The most influential religion was Buddhism and Hinduism – up until the rise of Islam. Both Buddhism and Hinduism don’t believe or practice the worship of a single god, but believe more of an inward faith – a way of life or all living things respected per se.
     India had faced much opposition and was in constant attack.  “The various nomadic people who entered India between the second century and eighth century may have been more potent military threats, but their cultures were thoroughly absorbed by India. However, in 711 C.E., India faced for the first time a vital people with a culture and religion both as sophisticated and powerful as its own: Islam.”[5] Muslims entered and changed the face of religion by “patterns of faith and alliance, as much as by the sword.”[6] The Muslim culture eventually immersed itself within the culture and lives of the Indian people which resulted in shared teachings and intermarriages between both Hindu’s and Muslims.
     The battle that took place at the Talas River in Central Asia in 751 C.E was the turning point between the Islam and Hinduism relationship. This battle was “between the expanding empires of the Arab Muslims and T’ang China.  The Arab victory in that battle not only stopped the T'ang dynasty's expansion to the West; it also led to the triumph of Islam over Buddhism as the prevailing religion in Central Asia.”[7] This triumph paved the way for Islam being birthed as a prevailing religion in India and has been growing ever since.
     Over the years Islam were fairly tolerant of those practicing Hinduism and even went as far as “preserving the Hindu temple sun god in Multan to avoid Hindu attacks that might damage this holy spot. Although the Arabs only conquered the northwestern part of India, their tolerant rule won many converts to Islam in that region which remains Muslim to this day.“[8]  However, the tolerance level was eventually reversed and Hindu’s suffered persecution from the Muslims. These events lead to a swift, deteriorating decline of Islam which allowed a new people with a new culture to take over – the British.[9]   
     Prior to Islam in India, “It is widely believed that St. Thomas, the disciple of Jesus, first introduced the Christian faith to India nearly two thousand years ago.”[10] However, Christian influence would not dominate this region until around “1542 when the Jesuit Francis Xavier arrived on a mission’s voyage from Portugal and the work of the Roman Catholics began in earnest.”[11]  The establishment of quality education was a huge impact in India, especially with female education. Although the educational barrier of educating women was not favored, it eventually grew to new heights and took off with both men and women receiving quality education. Outside of the impact Christians had in India, they were also responsible for significant contributions in language and literature as well as social reform.[12]
     While Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam are continuing to grow, Christianity is also rapidly growing in India today. According to a 1991 census, there were “23 million Christians in India, making up 2.3 percent of the total population. However, Christian executives and demographers estimate the number of Christians at 50 million, or 5 percent of the population.”[13] While this may be a small number compared to the Hindus and Muslims, it is a number that is ever increasing. According to the 2001 Census of India, “Christianity has emerged as the major religion in three North-eastern states, namely, Nagaland, Mizoram, and Meghalaya. Among other states/Uts, Manipur (34.0%), Goa (26.7%), Andaman & Nicobar Islands (21.7%), Kerala (19.0%), and Arunachal Pradesh (18.7%) have considerable percentage of Christian population to the total population of the State/UT.”[14]
     In recent years, conflict and violence has captured the religious life of many in India.  Growing religious conflict may be seen through the lens of rapid growth and expansion of Islam and Hinduism as seen today in many parts of the world. In India, clashes between the Hindu’s and Muslims are ever increasing. In 1990, the Star tribune reported that “Hindu mobs were beating, stabbing, tying up and throwing Muslims into a burning house while others were stabbed and beaten in the streets over a 460-year-old mosque that Hindus say was built on the foundation of an early temple marking the birthplace of Rama, the much-worshiped warrior god.”[15] These clashes are not just seen in India, but elsewhere is the world. Religious intolerance is plaguing our world and persecution is growing just as fast as any religious belief.
     Muslims are not just targeted in India either. Christians are being targeted as well because some in India feel that Christians have too much political power.[16] Some blame Christian missionaries for converting Hindu’s to Christianity and charge Christians with absurd crimes such as chicanery and deception.[17] Violence continues to grow in India with some pretty gross acts committed against both Muslims and Christians alike. A notable case is the four nuns who operate a medical clinic in India were dragged from their convent and gang-raped by a dozen or more men.”[18]
     While violence is being penetrated within the religious sector of India, it has not stopped the growth of Christianity. From the Catholic as well as Protestant Christianity, reform has most definitely been influenced by Christianity. The impact of Christianity has been felt throughout all of India, specifically by way of Indian society and culture, with education and grammar being at the top.
     Christianity remains vibrant – despite growing religious intolerance in India. “The fact that the Christian community has contributed positively to nation building is uncontested. Today there are Christians integrated into the very fabric of all areas of Indian society, both in the public and private sectors, from members of Parliament, chief ministers, corporate executives, physicians, engineers, and down to chauffeurs, chefs, and guards at the gate.“ [19] Even though the violence that is seen within the Christian communities in India today are enough to stir the hearts of many, it is easier looking at the persecutions as an advancement towards not only a greater cause, but a more modern style of living for the Indian people. “To paraphrase the late Bishop Stephen Neill of the Trinelveli Diocese, Church of South India: for the Christian Church and its mission in India, the task has been challenging, and along the journey a number of mistakes have been made, but equally surprising, perhaps, is the fact that such a considerable measure of success has been accomplished.”[20]
Butler, Chris, FC52: The Coming of Islam to India (711-c. 1800), 2007 Retrieved on October 01, 2013 http://www.flowofhistory.com/units/asia/7/FC52
Hindson, E. , and E. Caner. The popular encyclopedia of apologetics, surveying the evidence for the truth of christianity. Harvest House Publishers, 2008. print.
Houghton, Graham. "Christian Impact on India, History of." Encyclopedia of India. Ed. Stanley Wolpert. Vol. 1. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2006. 247-252. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 1 Oct. 2013.
India. Ministry of Home Affairs . Census on Religion. Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India: , 2001. Web. http://censusindia.gov.in/Census_And_You/religion.aspx
"India's Religious Violence." New York Times, Jan 13, 1999. 0, http://search.proquest.com/docview/431112023?accountid=12085.
"Islam in India." The Daily Telegraph, Nov 22, 2002. 27, http://search.proquest.com/docview/317681089?accountid=12085.
McCollum, Sean. "India's Ancient Religion." Junior Scholastic, Mar 12, 2001. 16, http://search.proquest.com/docview/202826126?accountid=12085.
"Religious Conflict Escalates in India." Star Tribune, Nov 03, 1990. 0, http://search.proquest.com/docview/418251393?accountid=12085.
Quigley, Thomas. "Anti-Christian Violence in India." America, Apr 03, 1999. 9, http://search.proquest.com/docview/209691398?accountid=12085.

[1] McCollum, Sean, India’s Ancient Religion, 2001
[2] ibid
[3] ibid
[4] Caner, Ergun, The popular encyclopedia of apologetics, surveying the evidence for the truth of Christianity, 2008, p 114
[5] Butler, Chris, FC52: The Coming of Islam to India (711-c. 1800), 2007
[6] Islam in India, The Daily Telegraph, 2002, 27
[7] Butler, Chris, 2007
[8] ibid
[9] ibid
[10] Houghton, Graham. "Christian Impact on India, History of." Encyclopedia of India.
[11] ibid
[12] ibid
[13] ibid
[14] India. Ministry of Home Affairs . Census on Religion., 2001
[15] Star Tribune, Religious Conflict Escalates in Inda, 1990
[16] New York Times, India’s Religious Violence, 1999
[17] Quigley, Thomas, Anti-Christian Violence in India, 1999
[18] ibid
[19] Houghton, Graham, Christian Impact on India, 2006, pp. 252-253
[20] ibid

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